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Financial well-being can impact your clients this year

One important element of overall well-being that is often overlooked is financial well-being. While our physical well-being gets most of the attention, studies show that financial health is an equally important measure for managing stress and improving retention and employee engagement. This recent Gallup article explores the payoffs of financial well-being in detail.

What does Asuris Motivate offer for financial well-being?

Asuris Motivate, our core well-being solution that’s embedded in all fully insured health plans upon renewal, offers four optional buy-up packages supporting financial well-being. Each package includes the “Financially Fit” self-guided program designed for those interested in learning more about financial wellness.

Financially Fit is especially useful for those experiencing stress related to their personal finances. It guides individuals through the basics of building a financial wellness plan, including: defining financial goals, evaluating their financial situation, reviewing monthly expenses, eliminating debt, saving for the future and planning for retirement.

Financially Fit is just one of 17 Asuris Motivate self-guided programs. Each one addresses a different area of well-being. Topics cover a wide variety of studies, ranging from stress management and sleep to nutrition and weight management. The focus of each is to inspire employees to develop healthy habits with weekly educational resources and behavioral change activities.

An HSA can pave the way

Another way for your groups to support their employees’ financial well-being is to ensure they’re aware of the many benefits of health savings accounts (HSAs):

  • Consumers love HSAs because they help them save money for health care, manage their expenses throughout the year and lower their income tax exposure.
  • Employers love that HSAs help employees better manage their health care needs, because healthier employees translate to a healthier workforce and higher performance.

Now’s a great time for you to help your groups understand all the advantages that come from integrating an HSA into their health plan. In addition to the benefits above, HealthEquity®, our HSA partner, has updated and enhanced its platform for 2020 to provide members with greater management and control over their HSA investments, drive higher contributions and reduce investment fees.

For more information about Asuris Motivate and our HealthEquity HSA options, contact your account executive.

Asuris receives an administrative fee for each HealthEquity integrated HSA. The fee allows for a high level of support and integration between Asuris’ health plans and HealthEquity health savings accounts.